Hello, everyone seems like it has been so long since I posted. The summer just seems to be flying by.Farmers market has been going good. I love going there look so
forward to it. I have
recently started making lotion bars. So
I'm also selling those. I have 6 batches of goats milk soap curing now. Cannot wait to take that to sell. If you ever want to try a new craft try soap making it is so fun. I also am starting to take bake goods because now in Michigan we can sell them without a certified kitchen. I still don't have no pictures. Actually I have them just lost my
usb cord. The kids have fair coming up in about only three weeks. NO! we are not ready but got to get ready I guess. The hubby and son are still working in the field. We are planting
sudan grass back on the wheat ground.
Tomorrow is my dads birthday he will be 77 and still going strong. Well hope everyone is doing well. Have a great night. Rebekah