Friday, January 29, 2010
To my surprise when I went to milk this morning here is what I found a baby goat I was not expecting. This is not the mom I expected to kid. There were no signs at all. You can see how fat she is and she only had one. What is up with that! Oh I almost forgot it is a girl.
They would rather lay on cold cement then in their nice hutch full of shavings.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Make It From Scratch
Make It From Scratch: Carnival #152
If you do not know what to do with all those plastic grocery bags. This site will give you a link that has some good ideas for that. Have a great day everyone. God bless you Rebekah
If you do not know what to do with all those plastic grocery bags. This site will give you a link that has some good ideas for that. Have a great day everyone. God bless you Rebekah
Monday, January 25, 2010
Introducing my new niece Makiya Elizabeth Marie Hoover 7 pounds 12 ounces and 20 1/2 inches.
She was not happy with me taking her hat off.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
HEALTH CARE MANDATE - Health Care Mandate Applies to All -- Except the Amish
I guess I need to get a horse and buggy.
I guess I need to get a horse and buggy.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Just to let everyone know if your comment box comes up right under your post my computer will not work so I can post. If it is a pop up window then I can. So if I have not left any comments that is why but honest I do read your blogs. Thanks Rebekah.
Hello everybody, I finally have a minute to sit down and write. So what has been going on well cutting wood has been the thing around here. My hubby had the weekend off so Saturday the whole day was cutting wood. Then Sunday was a day off which was nice. We visited a new church, went out to eat and watched movies it was so nice to just rest. Got a hay wagon load of wood cut Monday. I was also able to get my house cleaned, laundry done, bread baked and homemade hot pockets done. Monday night the kids had their first meeting for beef club. The 4-H year has officially started although less intense at times it never ends I guess. Yesterday we went to a customer appreciation dinner at the John Deere dealer. Other than morning and evening chores I did not do much else. I was able to sit and work on some more baby hats. We are now counting down the days till the new baby niece will enter the world. She is suppose to be born at 10:30 next Monday. Oh I'm so excited I cannot wait and it will be even better once I actually get to start watching her.There is just something about a new little life that is always amazing no matter how many are born. I have to unload the wood we cut on Monday and I don't know what else today. The guys are all about hauling manure well it is unthawed. They got alot accomplished yesterday and hoping to get alot more hauled today. Today is the weekly livestock auction and God forbid if they miss that. I think it is just a day for farmers to get together and find out all the latest news. As I say it is the farmers weekly social outing. I don't think people realize it but when you farm there is not alot of social time off the farm. Every minute counts when you are running a farm and if there is a job to be done then you do it or you are playing catch up forever it seems like. We have no hired hands here it is just me, my hubby and the kids. I think it makes us all closer working together on the farm and I would not have it any other way. Enough of my rambling Have a great day everybody. GOD BLESS YOU REBEKAH.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Yesterday we got to take a break from the farm. We all headed out about 8:00 a.m. for Ft.Wayne Indiana to go to the farm show. We stayed there until about 12:00 p.m. then off to the place we eat lunch at every year Pizza hut. After we got done eating lunch it was off to Shipshewana for shopping at the bulk food store. I love going there I could spend so much money but did not. Then we headed off to forks county line store because they always have good deals on meat. We picked up a few more goodies there. It was about 5:00 p.m. so home we headed and arrived safely about 6:00 p.m. Out to do chores and in to go to bed boy we were exhausted it was a long day but fun. Today was all about cutting wood. We got a trailer full cut today. Then the guys headed off to the weekly livestock auction. I unloaded the wood and stacked another pile to make room for more. Then in to take a break before doing chores. We are all about cutting wood for a few days. A friend we know is taking out his fence rows and gave us all the wood to cut. Hopefully we get enough for this year and next. The Lord is so good and blesses us so richly. It is so wonderful to watch how he provides for us. HAVE A GREAT DAY AND GOD BLESS YOU REBEKAH.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Good Sunday to everybody. It has been cold here today and windy which makes it worse. It has been two days full of busyness since the hubby has been back to work. We have got a lot of school work done which is always nice. It is so fun to watch their minds work and see them learn new things. Today my son was learning Roman numerals oh not fun. How to subtract them and add them to get the right number he caught right on of course not Mom. My little girl started identifying nouns today and how to pick out the subject, direct object, indirect object. I remember doing this stuff in school. I'm so glad I get to teach this to my children and not some stranger. How precious these children are God has given me.
I decided to pick my hat looms back up and start working with them. Today I finished one baby hat working on another sure I will have that finished by bed. The looms are so quick and easy I love it.
We are headed to a friends tomorrow to work on snowflakes for the nursing home. Our monthly visit is on Tuesday. It is such a blessing because the people look so forward to us coming. Also I love going and just making their day. I know they are such a blessing to me.
Well guess I better get off the hubby will be home soon. We are having tater tot casserole and a lemon desert for supper .The desert is four layers oh it is so good. I will post the recipe when I get time. HAVE A GOOD NIGHT ALL AND GOD BLESS REBEKAH.
I decided to pick my hat looms back up and start working with them. Today I finished one baby hat working on another sure I will have that finished by bed. The looms are so quick and easy I love it.
We are headed to a friends tomorrow to work on snowflakes for the nursing home. Our monthly visit is on Tuesday. It is such a blessing because the people look so forward to us coming. Also I love going and just making their day. I know they are such a blessing to me.
Well guess I better get off the hubby will be home soon. We are having tater tot casserole and a lemon desert for supper .The desert is four layers oh it is so good. I will post the recipe when I get time. HAVE A GOOD NIGHT ALL AND GOD BLESS REBEKAH.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Well fishing was a little more profitable today they brought home nine. My daughter wanted me to put pictures on of their fish on so here is three of them. Of course she had to take one of her brother cleaning and as you can see he foiled her picture taking again. I think as he was scaling them he got more on himself than anywhere else.
Hello everyone hope you are all doing well. I Woke up as usual at 3:45 started my day around 4:15. Today the hubby and son decided to get up at 4:15 to watch tractor pulling on rfd t.v. Made coffee at 4:30 then headed outside to do the milking and other chores. Got that accomplished then inside to cook breakfast had french toast all made in the pan so it was ready to bake. Unthawed some brats and cooked those also. It was funny I said to my daughter well we are all done with breakfast and she said now on to lunch. After everybody was done with morning chores we got the kids fair calves haltered so they could start working with them. Then dad and the kids were off to the lake for ice fishing. Not much you can do on the farm when it is cold and frozen. I stayed behind to get lunch ready for them it is 3:27 and they still are not home so I guess it is supper. We are having potato soup, chicken and hot cinnamon applesauce with big chunks of apples. This will be nice after being out in this cold weather all day. Getting ready to head out and do chores. Have a great day everybody and God bless. Rebekah
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
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