Sunday, April 11, 2010


Well to start off I went out to do chores this morning and found two new babies. I thought this mom goat was never going to kid. Then on to my husbands barn to get grain for night chores. I figured well I was over there I would walk back the lane and check on the brood cows. Most of them are getting ready to calf. So I seen one acting kinda funny and my husband went to check. Yep she tried to calf while we were in bed but could not. So we had to pull the calf he was already gone. Such a bummer especially because she showed no signs of being ready to calve. Unfortunately that is how farming goes it is not always this little fun fantasy world like some people want to make it look like. Farming is fun but also alot of hard work and disappointments. Anyways we had a little calf we just bought so we gave him to her and she took right to him. She loves him and has a baby after all her trauma. We had friends over for lunch and fellowship. Such a good time of relaxing and just enjoying friends. We did night chores and moved some cows around. Went back in the field to check cows tonight. Nobody looks like they are ready and I hope nobody goes while we are in bed. My husband and son have been working on the cleanup of the farm. Going good but a long ways to go. So there is my day in a nutshell. I'm tired and ready for bed. Have a good night. Rebekah


  1. Farming sure does have it's ups and downs! There are days that are full of joy and some that have disappointments. The important thing is not to give up... farmers know how to keep going ... even in the tough times! Have a good day!

  2. So sorry about your calf.YOu are right about farming having it's peaks and valleys.It's when you are on those peaks that makes it all worth it.It was so nice you had that little calf to give your cow so she could still be a momma.Congratulations on your new baby goats!

  3. I think having church friends over for lunch and fellowship sounds so good in the middle of other troubles. That little calf must be happy with its substitute mama! I hope you and your husband are having a good day today!


I would love to hear from my readers so please feel free to leave me a comment. Rebekah

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