Yesterday I took my hand at making homemade deodorant. My intrest was peaked as another blogger talked about making her own. She was of a lot of help to me as where to look so I googled it and so the search was on. I found one simalir to what she said she used. So today is day two of using it. I'm happy to report so far I love it. The best part it is safe for my 11 year old daughter to use. Also with store deodorant I itched bad with this so far I don't. I will tell you though it is not the same consestiency as store deodorant but it is still nice to use. I will share the recipe it is as follows:
1/4 cup baking soda and corn starch
2 tablespoons coconut oil
whatever you would like to use as a scent.
mix all together until incorparated then pack in an old deodorant container or in a dish and just rub on with fingers. Have a great day! Rebekah
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
I was asked by Melodie to post about felting soap. So what I'm going to do is post a link that will tell you step by step how to do it and color pictures. It is very fun my daughter who is 11 has done most of ours. Beware though it does take practice so don't get frustrated just keep trying. If it is not perfect like the pictures believe me it still washes fine. I will tell you one thing I have noticed is when you get ready to use it letting it soak in water for a few minutes helps before you use it.Here is the link Hope this helps Melodie. Have a great day everyone. Rebekah
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Morning
Our Christmas in pictures. It was such a nice day. Time to relax and enjoy the day together with nothing else to do. Let us remember what today is really about a babe born in a manger to grow up and die on the cross to save us from our sins. Thank you Jesus we can live eternally with you if we chose to do so. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!Merry Christmas from the Hoover Family! From our farm to you.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Hello Everyone hope you are having a great Sunday. Thought I would post pictures of my chocolate peppermint soap. Yesterday I tried my hand at hot process soap making. As you can see it worked great. I loved doing it and will for sure do it again. The soap smells just like a piece of mint chocolate. The best part is it is ready to use now. Hope everyone has a great Sunday. Rebekah

Saturday, December 18, 2010
I'm needing a good recipe for homemade eggnog. I would like one someone has tried and knows that it is good. I'm not wanting to have to do alot of experimenting with this. My quest for a recipe is because my husband loves eggnog. So at Christmas time I always buy it for him but when I went to walmart and had to pay $3.00 for a quart I decided I have to learn how to make it. Thanks Rebekah
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Anuual cookie bake and tea.
Well Friday was our annual cookie baking and Christmas caroling with the homeschool group. We made 14 plates and were able to hand them all out. It was a great night and alot of people were blessed by our singing. Now I suppose you are wondering what tea has to do with all of this. After cookie baking and lunch the moms sat down to have tea well the children played outside. This is the tea I had and it is wonderful. You have got to try it. It has a strong cinnamon taste and it is just one of those teas that actually taste good. Hope everyone has a great Sunday. From our farm to you. Rebekah

Monday, November 22, 2010
PREGNANT TURKEY Last year at Thanksgiving, my mom went to my sister's house for the traditional holiday feast. Knowing how gullible my sister is, my mom decided to play a trick. She told my sister that she needed something from the store and asked if my sister wouldn't mi...nd going out to get it. When my si...ster left the house, my mom took the turkey out of the oven, removed the mixed stuffing, and inserted a Cornish hen into the turkey cavity...then re-stuffed the turkey. She then placed the bird(s) back into the oven. When it was time for dinner, my sister pulled the turkey out of the oven and proceeded to remove the stuffing. When her serving spoon hit something, she reached in and pulled out the little bird. With a look of total shock on her face, my mother exclaimed, "Barbara, you've cooked a pregnant bird!" At the reality of this horrifying news, my sister started to cry hysterically. It took the entire family almost two hours to convince her that turkeys lay eggs.See More More
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I'm going to approach a subject that I know can get heated. I do feel it needs to be approached though. Grass fed versus grain fed is all the rage. Well I feel you need to do what suites your needs best. I have not researched it so I really cannot say. I'm writing this from a farmers view point. I'm sick of being attacked for doing things the way we do. A side note my father is 76 ate grain fed meat his whole life and drank milk from holestein cows he is healthy. But as for farmers fighting against each other as to what is best is stupid. We as farmers should be supporting one another. I was watching a farm program with my Dad the other day the host read a piece a grass fed farmer had wrote and it was just slamming farmers who feed grain. As he said the in biting among farmers needs to stop. I totally agree! For us to make a profit and keep going we can not take our land make it all in to pasture. We need to raise rotationally crops on this land that make us a profit and the cattle are locked up. Our cattle pasture some land we cannot plant but not all of them. Even though they are locked up they are very well taken care of. They have a clean place to sleep, plenty to eat and drink. Their health is always our top priority. The reason this really burns my butt is because my husband works daylight to dusk taking care of our farm and animals with not much pay at all. Still has to work a real job to make it. We need to be supportive of one another get along and help each other out regardless if we grass feed or grain feed. I know there is people who will not agree with me that is fine but if you leave a comment be respectful of others because they will be reading it. Thanks have a good day.Rebekah
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Well it has been a long day. I had my little ones to watch today and the 9 month old has now decided to start pulling up to things but don't know how to get down. This makes things real interesting. My husband and son got some of the cows wormed today. I did school with the daughter this morning then set out on my project of making candles. The last craft show I did a lady approached me asking if I would be interested in showcasing my candles and other things I make at the salon she manages. So tomorrow I go in and meet with her to take my stuff. Hoping this turns out to be a good thing. The excitement on the farm today was my son left my gate open and our jersey decided to go on a adventure. My husband found her out back wandering around. Hope everyone has a great night. This farmers wife is headed to bed. Goodnight all Rebekah
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Things are starting to slow down here on the farm. The hubby and son baled the oats an we got 91 round bales. That is going to make some good feed for winter. I'm down to two markets a week. Been making soap and candles. Sure hoping to get alot stockpiled through the winter so I don't have to do markets an try to get things made. We had two new baby beef calves last week. They came kinda late so mama and babies are on my side with my animals. It was a mother and daughter that had them and they had them on the same day. The older mother is feeding hers and the daughters. They are so cute black and white. The kids are fighting over who gets the boy for fair. We named them Lexi and Lincoln. We have been getting some snow here in Michigan today. I'm ready for snow helps me get in the mood for Christmas but first Thanksgiving to celebrate all we have to be thankful for. Well that is all for know. Hope everyone has a great day. Rebekah
Monday, October 25, 2010
Thought I would share these picture. Every time I sit in my chair it is a given combine has to get up and lay on my legs. I'm so glad he was spared when going through the combine he is so sweet and we all love him lots. He definitely is a spoiled kitty. I'm taking the day off and going to visit with a friend today and the daughter will get to play with her friend. So looking foward to this day. Hope you all have a great day. Rebekah 
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Well hello everyone we have one more job accomplished here on the farm. That would be we have our silage bags filled for the year. It is so nice to know we have feed for our animals to last the year. We might cut hay again but that has not been decided for sure. The next job will be harvesting corn and beans.
We got rid of some pigs Wednesday that was sure a relief. We have just a few now enough to supply people with pork. Our meat has been selling great at the farmers market. We are very glad to be able to provide people with quality meat from our farm to their table.
I had a day off of farmers market last week for labor day. I was able to get 55 candles made.
The kitty we found in the combine is growing big and doing great. He is definitely the hubby's cat he spoils him so bad.
I will be holding a giveaway within the next two weeks consisting of the things I have made. It will be a soy candle, lotion bar, a bar of goats milk soap, bath salts and a crocheted washcloth.
Hope you all have a great week. Blessings from the Hoover farm to your home. Rebekah
We got rid of some pigs Wednesday that was sure a relief. We have just a few now enough to supply people with pork. Our meat has been selling great at the farmers market. We are very glad to be able to provide people with quality meat from our farm to their table.
I had a day off of farmers market last week for labor day. I was able to get 55 candles made.
The kitty we found in the combine is growing big and doing great. He is definitely the hubby's cat he spoils him so bad.
I will be holding a giveaway within the next two weeks consisting of the things I have made. It will be a soy candle, lotion bar, a bar of goats milk soap, bath salts and a crocheted washcloth.
Hope you all have a great week. Blessings from the Hoover farm to your home. Rebekah
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Hello everyone, Well life has been busy here as I'm sure life is busy with everyone else. I will try to bring you up to speed with what has been going on here. Last week was fair week and boy that was a whirlwind. The kids had such fun did not win much but that does not bother my kids. They feel they get to go have fun with friends and sell their animals. For them that is what it is really about. Avery did place 6th in showmanship out of 23 kids so that was great. I was so proud of him but then he is used to working with cattle so guess he should be a natural. I will post pictures of them at fair soon. Back home and the work starts right back in. I started right back in at market as soon as we were done with fair. The garden was also waiting with a bushel of green beans. Now to get them canned in all my busyness. We are now selling packaged beef and pork raised from our farm. It is so neat to be able to sell our own products. The new chickens have started laying eggs and I'm so excited about that. Hubby just got done with the fourth cutting of hay. Now it is time to chop our corn silage. We are so blessed to be able to raise all our own feed for our animals. Well guess that is about all in a condensed version. If I gave you the full version of all that has been happening here on the farm I might be typing all day. Have a blessed Sunday. Rebekah
Sunday, August 1, 2010
This is so funny Avery had his sisters hat on. When he figured out she was video taping him man it came off fast. Listen closley at the end you will hear him say got me. I think we laughed fovever. Enjoy and have a great day. Rebekah
Friday, July 30, 2010
We got to spend some time with friends yesterday. The kids all made t-shirts. In the following pictures is Kassandras shirt she made. I had my nieces overnight last night needless to say I did not get much sleep. I'm sure glad my kids are older. I'm definetly moving to a new season in life. I sure love them little girls but glad they go home at night. I will be going to market in the morning. The guys are busy trying to get there tractor ready for pulling at the fair. We have like only two weeks to fair. YIKES! I'm not ready where has the time went. Well hope everyone has a great weekend! Rebekah 
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Love this picture! Don't get Avery smiling very often but it took me like three pictures before I got this.
We went to a picnic for farmers union today at a local park. They have a living history village which we got to go through today. Fun day spending time together as a family. Getting ready to do chores. As soon as we got home the hubby went right out to finish mowing hay. Hoping to bale Tuesday got more rain coming Wednesday. Have a great night! Rebekah
Thursday, July 22, 2010
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