Hello Everybody, hope everyone is doing great. We are doing good here at the farm. Yesterday we got snow and oh it is so pretty. I hope we get some more and it stays for Christmas. Christmas just does not seem like Christmas to me without snow. Yesterday we did our annual round to all the neighbors houses with our gifts. We decided to make cookies or I should say my husband did. He wanted us to bake cookies so that is what we did. I think mostly so he could eat them. We still have to decide and make gifts for my family. I did some Christmas shopping but still have quite a bit to do. My husband said last week you better get the shopping done. So I think he is kinda getting worried not me. I'm a last minute person and I do good under pressure. I have until next Thursday no hurry.
Recently it was brought to my attention about a girl who has a blog and has cancer. Her name is Hope and I believe she is 14. You should go and check it out. It is her diary on going through cancer. It is www.hopescancerdiary.blogspot.com. She is such a brave young woman. To top it all off her Dad died last year. Now it is just Mom and Hope.
Well that is all I have for today not to interesting but just thought I would check in. Leave a comment and let me know how your Christmas shopping is going. I will leave you with a verse that in my marriage is so useful. I don't think me and my husband ever go to bed angry. It is very important to us not to. You think because you are sleeping you are not thinking about it or by morning you both will have forgot. Not usually the case. You are more angry by morning because you have been awake all night thinking about it then you are a total grouch in the morning unable to deal with anything. The point is it is just a snowball effect it will not end up good to go to bed angry about anything or mad at anyone.
Ephesians 4:26,27
"In you anger do not sin" Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.
Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Rice Krispie Treats
4 hours ago
Its so nice to stop by and read an update from you - i will have to post my own soon. Shopping is going fine for me and i still have a few good ideas to purchase. Take care!